WHO warns 92% of. of the world’s population is breathing contaminated air
WHO alerts: 92 percent of. of the world’s population breathe contaminated air
According to a report published by the World Health Organization (WHO), 92 percent of. The inhabitants of the planet breathe polluted air. WHO has also estimated that three million people die each year due to poor air quality.
In preparing the report, the WHO took into account data from three thousand locations around the globe. The report was developed in cooperation with theóIn collaboration with the UK’s University of Bath. It shows that nine out of ten peopleób breathing air that exceeds PM 2.5 standards.
PM 2.5 is the so called “dirty air”. particulate matter, the particles of whichóparticles do not exceed 2.5 micrometers. It is the most harmful to health. Included in it are breaksóThe full moon can therefore occur in situations where there are many toxic substances and heavy metals thatówhich penetrate into the lungs, cardiovascular system and, as recent studies have shown, also into the brain – as you can read on ouróThe particles of the polluted air found in the lungs, the cardiovascular system and, as shown by recent studies, in the brainózgu.
Long-term exposure to PM 2.5 causes respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. As a result, the average life expectancy of an average person is shortened. For the European Union, this period is eight months. Poles have it even worse, because our life, according to WHO data, is kró10 months later.
The worst air is in Southeast Asia. It is not better in the southern and eastern part of the Mediterranean Seaóchild’s play. A similar condition prevails in the area of the western Pacific. When it comes to the poreóarea comparisonóno surprises here – In cities, pollution is higher than in the countryside, but rural areas do not have clean air at all. It’s a little bit better quality.